Making the right choice

On average, we make 35,000 choices everyday. Some of those choices are right and some of them are wrong. Living means making a series of good and bad choices, but there is only one eternal choice that every makes in their lifetime. What is this choice and how can we be sure we’re making the right choice?

This Sunday as part of the seven last sayings of Jesus series, we look to Luke 23:39-43 for the second saying Jesus said before his ascension. Taking place in the execution square on Good Friday, Luke tells us there are two criminals hanging next to Jesus; one on his right and one on his left.

No one really knows how this arrangement came to be, but these three men hanging on their crosses that fateful day shows us the importance of making the right choice. What choice are we talking about? The eternal choice: do I acknowledge and proclaim Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour?

Here are three ways to make this choice.

1. Recognise your personal guilt

“One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at [Jesus]: ‘Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!”

As he hung on the cross next to Christ, one thief hurled insults at Jesus, blaspheming him. The man on the other side heard the insults and tired of hearing this responded.

'“But the other criminal rebuked him. ‘Don’t you fear God,’ he said, ‘… this man has done nothing wrong.”"

While the books of the Gospel have different definitions for these two men, scholars agree that these men were not being hung for petty crimes; they were major criminals. Crucifixion is no punishment for petty crime, but is capital punishment for those deserving the death penalty. These men were rebels against society, their government, and even God. Yet one was able to acknowledge Christ as king. Think of yourself. We’re not guilty of any major criminals (maybe), but all people are guilty of a spiritual crime; sin. If you haven’t already recognised this guilt as the second robber did, we can’t even begin to know God.

2. Request God’s grace

The second man made a bold statement… and an even bolder request:

“Then he said, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’”

The circumstance and situation were less than pleasing yet this man acknowledged Jesus as king when so many others didn’t believe in Jesus as Christ. Jesus accepted this man’s request, taking his (and our) guilt, the guilt we deserve, and gave him (and us) grace that we don’t deserve. If this criminal, who might have never heard or been taught the Scriptures, could believe in Jesus, then how can we not believe in Jesus as Christ? If you haven’t already, request God’s grace. It is for you and me.

3. Receive eternal glory

“Jesus answered him, ‘I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.’”

Jesus’ closing words tell us everything; it’s never too late to receive eternal grace. This is the true meaning of ‘happily ever after’. Jesus’ invitation to this man is intimate even though this man might have never really known who Jesus was until this moment. He had nothing to offer Jesus, perhaps morally or spiritually. Yet he was immediately offered membership into Heaven. This is God’s grace. Not that we were deserving, God pulled us out of sin and into eternal glory with him. These two criminals might have made all the wrong choices in their lives, which led them to the cross. Yet, in their final moments, one robber mad one right choice that erased all his past wrongs.

This gift is available to you and me. No matter who you are or what you’ve done.

Dear God,

Thank you for your gift of grace. Thank you for your Son, fully man and fully God, who came to Earth and died for the sins of many undeserving people, including me. I recognise my personal guilt, all the wrongs that I’ve done in my past, and ask for your gift of grace so that I could share in eternal glory with you.

In Jesus’ name I pray,