Characteristics of Fake Believers

There are many who identify as believers in Christ, but not every believer truly believes in Christ Jesus. Which is why it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that there are some who claim to be believers, but in reality, their hearts are distant from God. This past Sunday, we discover three characteristics of fake believers found in the passage of John 5:30-47. As we read these truths, allow them to teach and convict us, so we can repent and turn back to God when we find ourselves sliding into any of these characteristics.

1. Fake believers don’t truly know Jesus (verses 30-40)

You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life. (John 5:39-40)

The Jewish leaders appeared religious and holy. However, their hearts were distant from God as they rejected Jesus. They sought salvation in doing the works of the Scriptures (salvation by works), but rejected the very person pointed to in the Scriptures. Many believers grow up in Christian households, read and study the Word, go to church and cell group; but in reality, don’t really know the person of Jesus. Becoming just like the Jewish leaders, they reject the very one who should be the foundation of their lifestyle.

When our efforts are based on the “what we do” instead of the “who we do it for”, it’s easy to fall into the trap of becoming a “nominal” Christian and not ever truly knowing Jesus.

2. Fake believers love human praise (verses 41-44)

How can you believe since you accept glory from one another but do not seek the glory that comes from the only God? (John 5:44)

The Jewish leaders loved anyone who praised them for being “religious”. They would do anything to make others think that they were faithful believers. They loved human praise, yet didn’t seek the praise from their Creator. In turn, Jesus rebuked them, exposing them for their wickedness.

Many times, we seek for human praise more than seeking the praise of our Lord. We should be careful when our hearts drift from the discreet faithfulness of true believers, and instead seek the “showy” faithfulness of fake believers.

3. Fake believers serve themselves (verses 45-47)

But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set. (John 5:45)

The Jewish people loved and praised Moses. They wanted to follow in his footsteps. However, the Jewish leaders served Moses for their own benefit - seeking to honour him only to appear religious. They lost sight of who Moses was pointing towards throughout the Old Testament - Jesus.

Many times we claim to follow Jesus, so we can appear like we’re Christians. But in our hearts, we may not truly believe and accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. To follow Jesus, and to be a true believer, means to give ourselves up and serve Jesus in our day to day lives, no matter the cost.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Forgive us for the times we say we believe you, but our hearts are distant. Renew a steadfast Spirit within us & help us to seek you each and every day.

In Jesus’ name we pray,